WIP It Good

FYI, the title is kinda from an old school song that my parents were just listening to a bit ago called Whip It Good. Like, OMG, how embarrassing could they be? They cranked up this song and were just flailing all over the living room floor and laughing. I mean, I'm so glad they can be happy and stupid with each other, but the Jock Flock has invaded again for another round of X-boneing and my parents could care less. 


At least Twitch isn't here this week. I would just...DIE.

Where was I? Oh yeah, my WIPs!

Sometimes I just want to work on something and take my time. Stuff has me stumped on this portrait I'm trying to do from this Sktchy app that Lex has been blabbing on and on about. She's been posting stupid selfies of herself on the app for iunno, free artist sketches of herself? LOL. She's crazy. But at least the app is useful even though it's one more thing that is eating up the tiny storage space left on my iPad.

Wow. Focus, Sonny! PORTRAIT. Yes. It was all unfocused and hazy with all the airbrushing I was doing on Procreate. That's cause I saw a YouTube vid and she was all "I basically blend with just the airbrush tool." Yeah, I had to put this aside for a few days before coming back to it.

Current state of my WIP:

This smirk. It is so haaaaard!

Previous versions. (And scary as fuck on the earliest version).

Pinched mouth. LOL.

GAH! I had to put my iPad far, far away.

Other rock WIP:



  1. I like the last one! (She looks like an alien ... or a zombie. )



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