Rock On

I'm trying to stay busy so I can forget about yesterday. Hanging out with Lex yesterday helped. Taro bubble tea helped. Steamed pork dim sum helped. Getting home and finding out that Bucket and Twitch and their whole crew left helped. I got home late so I didn't even have to eat dinner with Mom and Dad. That was a bonus. No questions to dodge about how my day went.

There is no Twitch. There is no spoon.

Yeah. I got this!

*game face*

So I spent the rest of the night doing some research on how to get my rocks to look more realistic. Found some tutes that were useful. I did my own thing after that. I'm also being stubborn and sticking with the default brushes and like one of the five brushes I installed on ProCreate. I want to get a real feel for what the app can do out of the box. 

Vanorum was PMing me on Battle Net telling me about his favorite brushes and to get this brush pack or that brush pack. Yeah, okay, I get it. Just let me do my own thing first, Van! Pfft.

Okay, so here's my ProCreate rock sketch. (Gotta remember that shale brush for next time!)

I tried another sketch in ArtRage because reasons. I found out that I missed the textures and lasso tool in ProCreate. I totally get that this is supposed to feel like you're painting IRL, so I'm not really gonna blame the app for that.

And then this morning I was starting yet another rock study - until Corel Painter puked and crashed on me. I thought I was managing my memory well enough so it wouldn't freeze up. Fucking "unexpected close" error! Vincent is gone!!! *sniff* *sob* Guess I'll have to start over.

Here's my do-over sketch:

Journal thing cause I've done it all these days in a row, so why not?


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