Lucky Dae

It's the 7th and it must be my lucky day! You're looking at the proud owner Corel Painter 2018!!! Thank you, Dad!

The moping must have been apparent. Cat's outta the bag. They both know what I've been up to this past week. Interestingly, Mom and Dad are both supportive of the digital thing (for now - don't wanna get my hopes up that they get all of this stuff).

So my mom was all "Sonia, do something like spreeeeeng colors!" (In her accent...LOL!)

Happy spring sunshine crap for my mom on this rainy day. (She liked it.) She doesn't have to know I did this on ArtRage and not the 'spensive new program. I just love that I found out where the app hid all of the layer tools! I thought they didn't exist! This is like finding the easter egg in a game! OMG, finally!!!

Journal-ey journal thing. Short because weekend and I'm going OUT.


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