Hashtag Goals

If you've ever listened to one of my mom's long-ass rants, you'd quickly learn that I am "unmotivated" and "directionless." But she loves me! She says so! And she says it aaaaaaaall the time. And these talks are for my own good!

Let me tell you something about my mom. Everything is for my own good as long as I do it her way. She's sweet about how she tries to say it, but there it is. It makes me feel like shit. What I like doesn't really matter. Her being all supportive this weekend is pretty suspect IMO.

You know what though? I guess I have goals. They just involve...you know...art. 

Mom's previous opinion when I was stupid enough to honestly answer her "What do you REALLY want to do?" was "Art? Hmph! You'll be hungry and POOR Sonia!" So, my mother is super averse to not having money to spend, obvs. :P Oh, did I mention that as a tack-on to the whole hungry thing (which I'm sure she meant starving artist) was "Maybe hungry is good. You might lose weight."

Of course, a jab at my weight.


Crap, this was supposed to be about goals! So...goals. I has them! Really.

  • I want to be a concept artist or an illustrator

Okay. There. I said it. I haven't told anyone about it before. Just this stupid blog that no one reads. Wait, no...Sophie sometimes reads it. But it's cool if she knows as long as no one else in my RL knows. I don't even want to tell Lex or Sam. As far as they know, I've just always liked to doodle and paint and shit. That's fine.

Anyway, I'm working super hard at it lately. I don't even know why. But I can't stop drawing and painting stuff. 

Case in point:

What am I doing here? Starting a series? IDK. IDC. Just going to keep going. Did this one in ArtRage.

And some notes. Still weird that I'm taking notes, but I really want to learn this shit.


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