So, I had another one of "those days" with Mom.

M: "Sonia, can you make a bertday card por my prend Pahnduh?"

S: "Wait, what? You want me to design a birthday card for your friend...panda?"

M: "NO!!! PAHN-duh. Like Peter Pahnduh."

S: "Who's Peter Panda?"

M: "Sonia! PAHN-duh! Like Jane PAHN-duh!"

(And she was getting irritated at this point.)

S (hesitantly): "Jane...Panda?"

M: "Hmph!!! How can you not know who she is??? You know, she's in the show I watch all the time, Grace and Prankie? The one with the shorter, light colored hair?" 

S (resorts to doing a quick search for "the show"): "Oh! You mean Jane FONDA?"

M: "Thats what I said! PAHN-DUH!!! So, can you PLEASE just make me a bertday card for her?"

S: "Sure Mom...sure, no probs."

M: "Thank you. But I hate it when you say no probs." 

(And she slammed the door behind her and left me in peace.)

Oh, I should also mention that growing up I thought that one of our uncles was named Pill. Uncle Pill. He was totally Uncle Pill for years. Until one time years later when I got a peek at his driver's license. Phillip. OMG...for years, he was just Uncle Pill. Uncle...PHIL. And no one said anything!!! Geez, WTH?

Anyway, today was birthday cards for pandas day! It was a pretty cool challenge though. Done on Procreate:

My very short journal dealie for the day. This should totally be a sticky!!! :P

And...yaaaaay! I hear the printer. That should keep Mom off my back for the day.


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